Category Archives: HVAC

Element Home Solutions Mitsubishi Hyper-Heat

Keep Your Home Warm With Mitsubishi Hyper-Heating® Technology

Element Home Solutions has added great new heating and cooling systems to our roster of available home energy solutions. One that homeowners are finding attractive is the Hyper-Heating® Technology from Mitsubishi Electric’s Cooling and Heating Division.

If you are considering installing a hew heating and air conditioning system, we may recommend this new technology as a solution.

How does Mistubishi Hyper-Heating® Technology improve heating system performance?

When the Bay Area rainy season drops temperatures, your home’s heating source may not keep all the rooms in your house comfortable. Supplementing your existing oil, gas, propane or wood system is the solution. Hyper-Heating technology is designed to provide you with year-round comfort even in our rainy winter.

Hyper-Heating vs. Conventional Heat Pumps

Split-ductless heat pumps, which feature an indoor and outdoor unit, allow homeowners to cool and heat their homes without the hassle, expense and inefficiency associated with furnaces, stoves, and other traditional air conditioning methods.

How do they work? Heat pumps use refrigerant to transfer heat. In the winter, they absorb warmth from the outside air and transfer it inside. In the summer, they extract warmth from the home and transfer it outside.

These heat pumps were traditionally designed for moderate climates and couldn’t handle extreme temperatures. As the Bay Area begins to experience more temperature extremes, a modernized split-ductless system was needed where the refrigerant could work more efficiently so the pumps can bring in enough heat. Patented Hyper-Heating technology erases the 20°+ separating you from year-round comfort, energy savings and increased efficiency.

Year-Round Heating and Air Conditioning Comfort and Control

Hyper-Heating INVERTER® (H2i®) technology uses an enhanced compressor system to deliver heat down to an outside temperature of -13° F. Supplementing your existing climate control system with Hyper-Heating offers a number of other benefits:

Heating System Efficiency

H2i systems qualify for the ENERGY STAR Tier 2 level. This means that these ductless mini-splits go above and beyond ENERGY STAR’s minimum requirements for efficiency. The INVERTER-driven compressor uses only the energy it needs to cool or heat an area. It automatically senses and responds to changes without constantly turning on and off. This saves energy – and money.

Energy Bill Cost Savings

Oil, propane, and gas heating bills can give you sticker shock, especially during cold (or hot) snaps. By using a Hyper-Heating solution as a supplement, you can dramatically cut your costs. Some users see a 50% reduction in energy use. You may also qualify for tax incentives, rebates and other programs.

Room-by-room Comfort

Do you spend most of your time in the living room with your family or working in your home office? Why heat unused rooms? Ductless units offer precise control so you keep the rooms you use most at your ideal temperature. They also allow you to heat rooms that your existing system doesn’t reach efficiently or effectively. Whether you want to work comfortably in your garage or turn your three-season porch into a four-season addition, Hyper-Heating puts the control into your hands. Guess what? This saves money too.

Ductless Energy System Installation

An H2i system can usually be installed in about a day. No messy ductwork. No huge remodelling bill. No damage to your home’s architectural integrity. These ductless heat pumps work seamlessly with your existing climate control system.
They can adapt to meet the changing needs of your home so you enjoy year-round comfort in extreme temperatures. Don’t let the term “Hyper-Heating” fool you. They cool as effectively as they heat. You don’t need a separate unit, or another expense, to condition your home in the summer.

Supplementing your home HVAC system simply and quickly is now a reality for Bay Area homeowners, thanks to Hyper-Heating technology, efficient, effective ductless heat pumps.

Contact us for a more personalized assessment of how this could supplement your heating system.

This article was adapted from a Mitsubishi Cooling and Heating Division article.

How to Buy Gas Furnace

Three Keys to Buying a Gas Furnace for Your Home

Replacing old Bay Area home heaters can seem very expensive initially, but it is often a great investment that saves you money in the long run. Given advances in furnace design, an old gas furnace probably isn’t as efficient as a new model, especially if it hasn’t received regular home furnace maintenance. Older heating systems have to work harder to keep a home at a comfortable temperature, which leads to higher utility bills. Beyond that, older gas furnaces are more likely to break down simply due to years of use and wear and tear (and that lack of regular maintenance!) Repairing a gas furnace may not be as expensive as replacing one, but the price tags of constant repairs will add up before long. Continue reading

A/C Maintenance Tips Bay Area

How to Protect your Air Conditioning System from Winter Rain

The winter weather in the Bay Area can do more damage to an outdoor air conditioning unit than many people realize. Even though you might not be using your A/C when the temperature drops in the East Bay and South Bay, you still need to give your outdoor unit some winter protection.

Protect your A/C Unit from Winter Rain

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HVAC bay area, heater maintenance, heater service, furnace installation, heater installation

HVAC Company in Oakland Shares 4 Dangers of Neglecting Heating Maintenance

Oakland HVAC Company Shares Reasons Not to Ignore Heater Maintenance

Even though a functional heating system is a necessity during the winter, people still tend to take them for granted. They skip their all-important annual winter heater inspection, ignore all but the most obvious problems with their HVAC systems, and otherwise slack off when it comes to Bay Area furnace service. You might not think there would be problems with ignoring a mostly-functional furnace in a Bay Area home, but all heating and air conditioning systems require regular maintenance if they are to keep working properly. Here are just four dangers of foregoing regular heater maintenance for your Oakland, San Jose or other Bay Area home. Continue reading

bay area furnace installation

Electric or Gas Furnace – Which New HVAC System is Right for Your Home?

Homeowners have plenty of choices when it comes to furnaces, but many of them start with a basic question: Choosing between an electric furnace and a gas furnace. A good Bay Area furnace installation company can install either one for you, but you still need to weigh the pros and cons of each option before you come to a decision.

Bay Area Furnace Installation – Electric Furnace

An electric furnace can be a few different things, but for the purposes of this blog, we’re going to talk about an air handler that uses heat strips or coils to heat air that is circulated throughout your home. The biggest advantage of electric furnaces is that they rely on electricity instead of natural gas, which is mandated if your home doesn’t have access to a natural gas line. They can also be cheaper in some places where electricity is less expensive than natural gas. The downsides of these furnaces are that they generate original heat instead of transferring heat, and they do raise your electricity bill. They also tend to be less efficient than gas furnaces for larger homes, so they may have to strain to keep your house at a comfortable temperature. You will have to contact a company that provides heater repair in San Jose or Oakland before long if your furnace is pushed too hard, so you might want to consider a gas furnace if you live in a larger home.

What About Gas Furnaces for Your San Jose HVAC?

Gas furnaces are known for providing powerful heat, which makes them the more efficient heating option for larger homes. They also pair well with air conditioning, with many Bay Area HVAC companies offering systems that provide both heating and cooling. Natural gas is also often cheaper than electricity in many areas, so a gas furnace could be the cheaper option if you have access to a natural gas line. Adding a gas line to your home is expensive, which is really the biggest disadvantage of this kind of heating system. You should also invest in a carbon monoxide detector in your home if you want to make sure that your gas furnace is running safely, and you may have to install an additional indoor heating coil in your home if your air duct system doesn’t extend to every room in your house.

Many of the pros and cons of electric and gas furnaces depend on where you live and what is more affordable over time for you. If you have a smaller home with no natural gas line, an electric furnace is a great option. On the other hand, a larger home that already has a gas line will do well with a gas furnace. Element Home solutions, as a Bay Area furnace and air conditioner installation company, can give you the advice you need on what furnace is right for your home. Please contact us or call (888) 980-4822 for more information about how we can help you!

Bay Area HVAC

Reasons Your Electric Bill May Be High

Can a Bay Area HVAC Company Help You Save Money on Your Bills?

You budget for your bills and pay them on time every month. That’s why it can come as such a shock when your electric bill arrives and it’s much higher than expected. This situation becomes even more frustrating when you’re certain that you’re doing everything possible to conserve energy yet still receive a high bill. We explore some of the most common reasons for high energy bills below and how you can work with our Bay Area HVAC company to resolve them.

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furnace installation Bay Area

Ways to Keep Your Heating Bills Down

Tips to Help You Save Some Money

Winter heating bills can be a shock to your pocketbook. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your utility costs over the colder months, we have a few ideas that should help to keep more money in your wallet. If you are looking for heating services in the Bay Area, we also can help with that!

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Bay Area air conditioning services

Warning Signs You Need a New Furnace

Do You Need Heating Services in the Bay Area?

With the cold weather season just around the corner, now is the time to think about furnace repair in the Bay Area, and probably even all heating services in the Bay Area. No one wants to get caught unprepared when the chilly weather arrives, so it’s always best to have your heating system inspected for any kind of damage before the season arrives. Now is a good time to call Element Home Solutions HVAC and Air Duct Cleaning, so you can have peace of mind about the operation of your heating system when you most need it.

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Bay Area HVAC services

How to Winterize Your HVAC Unit

Take These Steps to Help Avoid the Need of Bay Area HVAC Services Later

Although winter temperatures don’t get extremely cold in the Bay Area, it’s still important to winterize your HVAC unit properly when the seasons shift. If you have any window air conditioning units, now is the ideal time to remove them and put them into storage for the next several months. Don’t make the mistake of leaving air conditioners in windows all winter long when you’re not using them. This could lead to excess wear on the unit that could eventually require you to replace it sooner than you would have otherwise, that may beed to avoidable Bay Area HVAC services for repairs.

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ac service

How Often Should You Have Your Furnace Inspected?

HVAC Tips for Fall

Is your household ready for fall and winter? They are just around the corner, which means the weather will be cooling down soon. That makes this the perfect time to get a furnace inspection, so you can save money on winter heating bills. This is a great time to focus on HVAC San Jose

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