Category Archives: HVAC

HVAC repair Bay Area, cooling services Bay Area

Why is My A/C Blowing Warm Air?

Are You Looking into HVAC Repair in the Bay Area?

During the warmest months, most home cooling systems are likely to be used more consistently than at any other time of year. Unfortunately, steady use may also coincide with system errors and breakdowns. By practicing a few simple preventative measures, you might avoid the need for frequent Bay Area HVAC services. Consider the following reasons that your A/C unit may be blowing warm air, as well as easy strategies to help circumvent this issue.

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hvac san jose, lafayette air purifiers

HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

Is Your Pet Affecting Your HVAC Unit in San Jose?

When you’re at home, you want to feel comfortable. But if you have pets, you might struggle with pet hair and dander in your home, which works its way into the HVAC system and can be in the air you breathe. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your HVAC in San Jose in good condition when you have pets at home.

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Bay Area air duct cleaning

The Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

Do You Need Bay Area Air Duct Cleaning?

Your air ducts are one of those things you don’t give much thought to when they work well. This part of your heating and cooling system helps to circulate warmed or chilled air throughout your home to consistently maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. However, the effectiveness of air ducts goes beyond whether you feel hot, cold, or just right in your home. This equipment also impacts the quality of the air that you breathe for many hours every day. This is why air duct services Bay Area, are so valuable.  

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Bay Area air conditioning repair

Should You Repair or Replace a Broken Air Conditioner?

Are You Considering Bay Area Air Conditioning Repair or Replacement?

When you call for Bay Area air conditioning repair, the idea of replacing your AC may also come to mind. In most cases, a skilled HVAC contractor can troubleshoot your existing AC and make repairs to restore your home comfort. But does it make good financial sense to do so? You may have reached a tipping point, where your old air conditioner costs you more to keep (and keep repairing) than it would to install a new AC.

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heating repair in the bay area

How to Cool Your Home Without Breaking the Bank

Looking for Ways to Keep Your Bills Down?

You can’t very well live in the Bay Area, California and not have an efficient air conditioning system since the year-round warm weather requires it. Even so, running it often can get expensive. Element Home Solutions, an HVAC repair Bay Area company, would like to provide you with several tips to make staying cool easier on your budget.

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Bay Area HVAC Services, Bay Area HVAC repair

Signs You Need a New Air Conditioner

Do You Need Bay Area HVAC Services?

The coming of summer can bring lots of heat but also sometimes the unpleasant discovery that your HVAC system no longer works like it’s supposed to. That’s when there’s a company that specializes in Bay Area HVAC services can come assess what might be happening and determine if your system may need be repaired or even replaced.

There often can be a long gap between the end of the previous summer and the coming of the current summer, so residents may sometimes take a while to learn that their machinery no longer works or at least no longer works as well as it used to.

While many Bay Area HVAC repair companies will be happy to help and make necessary fixes in the fall, winter, or spring, sometimes problems with a unit aren’t detected until it’s hot enough for a homeowner to turn the device on for the season.

That’s why we suggest trying things out ahead of time if possible – this will give you extra time to consider different repair or replacement options and also learn about some of the HVAC products and Bay Area HVAC services.

There are plenty of reasons why an air conditioner can fail and need to be replaced. Here are some telltale signs you have a problem.

  • Different sounds – Sometimes it takes a little bit of careful listening to detect subtle changes in tone when your air conditioning is active from last year to this year. Other times you mean hear louder noises that tell you something isn’t working well, such as squeaking, grinding, or chattering. These sounds shouldn’t be dismissed as “it’s just getting older.”
  • Different smells – Companies that specialize in Bay Area HVAC services will tell you that a fully-functional air condition system should smell clean – not necessarily antiseptic but neutral. But a malfunctioning system may produce stranger smells. For instance, a burning smell or smoke may show that something critical has failed and it’s dangerous to use it further.
  • Higher costs – If you notice that your power bill is significantly higher than normal and the temperature inside and out is similar, your system could be losing its efficiency and working harder for the same results. HVAC services Bay Area contractors offer include the newest models that have a focus on high efficiency which mean lower bills.   
  • Extra moisture – A small amount is a sign that things are operating well. But a large amount around the AC area could indicate a leak or break in the refrigeration system. Not only will this decrease efficiency but it could lead to mold growth and a much larger problem.

Do You Think You Need HVAC Services in the Bay Area?

If you’ve begun detecting problems with your system, please call Element Home Solutions for a free quote on HVAC services in the Bay Area.    

Bay Area HVAC services

Spring Air Conditioning Tips

7 Spring Air Conditioning Tips 

Spring is in the air and that means that most home and property owners are facing a long list of projects and work essential to prepare for the coming seasons. Whether it is tidying up the yard, planting a garden, making outdoor repairs or getting Bay Area air conditioning repair, these must be viewed as essential projects. While many of them are definitely DIY, HVAC services for Bay Area home and property owners should be done by experts.

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Bay Area HVAC

HVAC System Efficiency Tips

Making Your Home’s HVAC System More Efficient

Nearly 50% of your home energy costs are related to the cooling and air in your home. Whether you’re in a new home and finding your bill a bit high or you’ve lived in your home for years, but your bill seems to be rising, you may be in need of Bay Area air conditioning services. There are numerous ways to increase the efficiency of your HVAC system and get those bills to drop in price. Continue reading

Mitsubishi ductless AC units near me

Top HVAC Airflow Problems

Read These Top Reasons Why Your HVAC Unit Might Not Be Working Properly

When you run your heating unit or air conditioner, it should provide equal heating or cooling throughout your home. If you have a problem with airflow or if some areas of your home are significantly warmer or cooler than others, you may want to read these leading causes of HVAC issues. You may find the first indications that you need Bay Area HVAC repair.

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