Tag Archives: furnace

heating services in the bay area

Heating Efficiency: Heat Pumps, Mini Splits, and Furnaces

Explore the 3 Main Heating Services in the Bay Area

When it comes to heating your home in the Bay Area, the efficiency of your heating system plays a significant role in both comfort and energy bills. The right choice can vary depending on your needs and the structure of your home. Three common systems for heating are heat pumps, mini splits, and furnaces, each offering distinct advantages and drawbacks. Let’s take a closer look at how they differ in terms of heating efficiency. Continue reading

heater repair in oakland

Factors Affecting the Longevity of Different Home Heating Systems

Heater Repair in Oakland – When Is It Time to Replace Your Furnace?

When it comes to heating your home, ensuring that your system runs efficiently and lasts for many years is a priority for homeowners. Different types of heating systems, such as furnaces, heat pumps, and boilers, have varying lifespans depending on their design, usage, and maintenance. Proper care and regular heater repair in Oakland or heater repair in San Jose can significantly extend the life of your heating system, but several factors influence how long each system will last. Let’s explore these factors to help homeowners get the most out of their heating investment. Continue reading

heating repair in the bay area

How Operate Your Heat Pump Efficiently in the Winter

Mitsubishi Heat Pump Installers Tips for Efficient Heating

Installing a Mistubishi heat pump in your home is a good way to increase your HVAC system and lower your utility bills, but you still need to know how to get the most out of it. First of all, try to avoid making huge jumps in the temperature when adjusting your thermostat. Quickly turning up the heat by several degrees in the winter will only activate your backup heater, which is wildly inefficient. Instead, adjust your thermostat gradually. Your heat pump will stay on longer, but it will heat your home more efficiently and use less energy. Continue reading

bay area air purifiers

How to Keep Dust and Air Pollution Out of Your Home

Dust and smoke in the home may lead to or worsen significant health issues. It is important to safeguard your environment against this unwelcome intrusion. By implementing a few simple techniques, such as installing air purifiers in the Bay Area home, you can help to ensure the health of your entire household. Continue reading

bay area hvac

5 Signs It’s Time to Call Bay Area Furnace Repair Techs

Is It Time To Call For Bay Area Furnace Repair?

There is nothing worse than having to contact a Bay Area furnace repair company in the middle of winter, but it does come up. As always, it’s best to know the signs that you are in need of heating repair in the Bay Area so you can contact a professional before your furnace completely breaks down.

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bay area furnace installation

Electric or Gas Furnace – Which New HVAC System is Right for Your Home?

Homeowners have plenty of choices when it comes to furnaces, but many of them start with a basic question: Choosing between an electric furnace and a gas furnace. A good Bay Area furnace installation company can install either one for you, but you still need to weigh the pros and cons of each option before you come to a decision.

Bay Area Furnace Installation – Electric Furnace

An electric furnace can be a few different things, but for the purposes of this blog, we’re going to talk about an air handler that uses heat strips or coils to heat air that is circulated throughout your home. The biggest advantage of electric furnaces is that they rely on electricity instead of natural gas, which is mandated if your home doesn’t have access to a natural gas line. They can also be cheaper in some places where electricity is less expensive than natural gas. The downsides of these furnaces are that they generate original heat instead of transferring heat, and they do raise your electricity bill. They also tend to be less efficient than gas furnaces for larger homes, so they may have to strain to keep your house at a comfortable temperature. You will have to contact a company that provides heater repair in San Jose or Oakland before long if your furnace is pushed too hard, so you might want to consider a gas furnace if you live in a larger home.

What About Gas Furnaces for Your San Jose HVAC?

Gas furnaces are known for providing powerful heat, which makes them the more efficient heating option for larger homes. They also pair well with air conditioning, with many Bay Area HVAC companies offering systems that provide both heating and cooling. Natural gas is also often cheaper than electricity in many areas, so a gas furnace could be the cheaper option if you have access to a natural gas line. Adding a gas line to your home is expensive, which is really the biggest disadvantage of this kind of heating system. You should also invest in a carbon monoxide detector in your home if you want to make sure that your gas furnace is running safely, and you may have to install an additional indoor heating coil in your home if your air duct system doesn’t extend to every room in your house.

Many of the pros and cons of electric and gas furnaces depend on where you live and what is more affordable over time for you. If you have a smaller home with no natural gas line, an electric furnace is a great option. On the other hand, a larger home that already has a gas line will do well with a gas furnace. Element Home solutions, as a Bay Area furnace and air conditioner installation company, can give you the advice you need on what furnace is right for your home. Please contact us or call (888) 980-4822 for more information about how we can help you!

ac service

Is Fall Furnace Maintenance Really That Important?

Give Your Furnace Some Love Before the Weather Gets Cold!

Local HVAC firms emphasize getting all of your heating and cooling equipment serviced at least twice a year, preferably summer for the HVAC and summer for the AC.
But what about fall? Is there value in getting someone trained and certified to check out your furnace a few months after summertime? Pretty much everyone in the industry will say “Of course there is!” It’s better to focus on maintenance than have to call for a furnace repair in the Bay Area.

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HVAC system maintenance Bay Area

Four Signs that Tell You It’s Time to Replace Your Furnace

Your HVAC system has probably offered you years of trouble-free service, but as your system ages, it loses efficiency and effectiveness. This raises your utility bills a certain percentage each month, and lowers your indoor air quality. It also may start getting noisier as it ages, which can impact your quality of life. Continue reading