Tag Archives: HVAC maintenance

HVAC Basics Gas Furnace Bay Area Home

HVAC Basics for Bay Area Homes

Winter in the Bay Area may be milder than in other parts of the country, but you still need a functioning heating system to keep your home comfortable when the temperature starts to drop. As with anything else in your home, you should understand HVAC basics as you turn up the heat this winter. You don’t need to know everything about home furnace maintenance, but you should at least understand the basics to get the most out of your system for the lowest cost.

Popular Residential Heating Systems in the Bay Area

There are a few different types of heating systems you can have for your home, but we will focus on two: Continue reading

Bay Area HVAC repair

4 Dangers of Neglecting Heating Maintenance

Even though a functional heating system is a necessity during the winter, people still tend to take them for granted. They skip their all-important annual winter heater inspection, ignore all but the most obvious problems with their San Jose HVAC systems, and otherwise slack off when it comes to home furnace maintenance. You might not think there would be problems with ignoring a mostly-functional furnace in a Bay Area home, but all heating and air conditioning systems require regular maintenance if they are to keep working properly. Here are just four dangers of foregoing regular heater maintenance for your San Jose, Oakland or other Bay Area home. Continue reading

HVAC bay area, heater maintenance, heater service, furnace installation, heater installation

HVAC Company in Oakland Shares 4 Dangers of Neglecting Heating Maintenance

Oakland HVAC Company Shares Reasons Not to Ignore Heater Maintenance

Even though a functional heating system is a necessity during the winter, people still tend to take them for granted. They skip their all-important annual winter heater inspection, ignore all but the most obvious problems with their HVAC systems, and otherwise slack off when it comes to Bay Area furnace service. You might not think there would be problems with ignoring a mostly-functional furnace in a Bay Area home, but all heating and air conditioning systems require regular maintenance if they are to keep working properly. Here are just four dangers of foregoing regular heater maintenance for your Oakland, San Jose or other Bay Area home. Continue reading

Bay Area HVAC services

Spring Air Conditioning Tips

7 Spring Air Conditioning Tips 

Spring is in the air and that means that most home and property owners are facing a long list of projects and work essential to prepare for the coming seasons. Whether it is tidying up the yard, planting a garden, making outdoor repairs or getting Bay Area air conditioning repair, these must be viewed as essential projects. While many of them are definitely DIY, HVAC services for Bay Area home and property owners should be done by experts.

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ac service

Is Fall Furnace Maintenance Really That Important?

Give Your Furnace Some Love Before the Weather Gets Cold!

Local HVAC firms emphasize getting all of your heating and cooling equipment serviced at least twice a year, preferably summer for the HVAC and summer for the AC.
But what about fall? Is there value in getting someone trained and certified to check out your furnace a few months after summertime? Pretty much everyone in the industry will say “Of course there is!” It’s better to focus on maintenance than have to call for a furnace repair in the Bay Area.

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