Tag Archives: repair HVAC

heating services in the bay area

Why Are Heat Pumps So Energy Efficient?

What Makes a Mitsubishi Heat Pump Efficient?

As its name implies, a heat pump works by transferring heat from one location to another. In the case of a home HVAC system, this usually means transferring heat from indoors to the outside or vice versa. For example, a heat pump might cool a home by taking the warm air inside and “pumping” it outdoors. It can also heat a home on a cold day by transferring heat energy from the air outside into the house. Continue reading

bay area air duct services company

Rodents in Your Attic or Ducts are a Real Concern, So What Can You Do?

Dealing With Rodents in the Attic – Bay Area Air Duct Services

No one even likes to think about their ducts being dirty and dusty, but the thought of mice living in the ductwork just sounds awful. Unfortunately, your ducts can make a pretty inviting home to rodents. Here’s what to know about rodents in your ducts and who to call for A/C repair in San Jose. Continue reading

Bay Area HVAC repair

4 Dangers of Neglecting Heating Maintenance

Even though a functional heating system is a necessity during the winter, people still tend to take them for granted. They skip their all-important annual winter heater inspection, ignore all but the most obvious problems with their San Jose HVAC systems, and otherwise slack off when it comes to home furnace maintenance. You might not think there would be problems with ignoring a mostly-functional furnace in a Bay Area home, but all heating and air conditioning systems require regular maintenance if they are to keep working properly. Here are just four dangers of foregoing regular heater maintenance for your San Jose, Oakland or other Bay Area home. Continue reading

HVAC system maintenance Bay Area

Four Signs that Tell You It’s Time to Replace Your Furnace

Your HVAC system has probably offered you years of trouble-free service, but as your system ages, it loses efficiency and effectiveness. This raises your utility bills a certain percentage each month, and lowers your indoor air quality. It also may start getting noisier as it ages, which can impact your quality of life. Continue reading